The Institute for Retraining and Qualification Upgrading of Judges, Prosecutors and Legal Professionals at the Belarusian State University was established in accordance with the Edict of the President of the Republic of Belarus of June 30, 1998, No. 348. The Institute was opened on September 7, 1999.
The Institute began its work in the main building of the Belarusian State University. Since November 2004 the Institute has been located in its own premises, which includes an academic building and a dormitory.
The structure of the Institute includes the Department of Judicial Work, the Department of Prosecutor Work, Educational and Methodological offices of the Departments, Educational and Methodological Department, Legal Study Laboratory and Study Laboratory of Information Technology and Supply of Academic Process, Library, and other subdivisions.
Currently, over one thousand and seven hundred trainees upgrade their qualification annually at the Institute. Among them, judges and court personnel, prosecutors, investigators, bailiffs, heads of civil registry authorities, employees for legal support units of the Armed Forces and border service agencies of the Republic of Belarus, lawyers, persons providing real estate services, and others.
The Institute also implements special training educational program for the position of a judge of a general court, retraining in the specialty «Jurisprudence», training for advocacy, mediation, real estate service.
The Institute carries out practice-oriented research, actively cooperates with a number of international organizations and foreign educational institutions.
The Institute’s activities significantly contribute to the training of legal professionals, functioning and improvement of the legal system of the Republic of Belarus.